- Karena bantuan seseorang kepada kita
- Karena pemberian seseorang kepad kita
- Karena perhatian seseorang kepada kita, dan lain sebagainya.
Nah, berikut ini adalah beberapa cara yang bisa kita gunakan untuk menunjukkan rasa terima kasih kita kepada seseorang dalam Bahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat.
Thank you so much for
Thanks a million!
Iʼm very grateful for...
I would like to thank you for...
I am so grateful for...
Let me express my gratitude for...
Thank you very much for..
Thank you!
Thank you for..
Thank you very much for your kindness
That was nice of you.
That was really nice of you
Thank you, but you shouldnʼt
I really
Thanks a lot for...
The Responses
Youʼre welcome ..
Donʼt worry about it
Youʼre quite welcome ..
Forget it
Donʼt mention it .
It was the least I could do
It was nothing!
It was no trouble at all
What are friends for?
I am just delighted I was able to help
It was my pleasure
Iʼm glad its helpful
I just wanted to show my
No problem!
Read the following
dialogues and answer the questions
Hevi : Hey Heru!
Happy birthday!
Heru : Thank you!
Hevi : No problem! I
got you something too!
Heru : Oh!
Hevi : Open it now!
Heru : Ok!
Hevi : I know you
love soccer so I went out shopping with Wildan yesterday and we got this.
Heru : Oh my gosh!
New football cleats and a jersey with my name on it? Thanks a million!
Hevi : Donʼt mention
it! You have been such a great friend this year.
Heru : Oh this is too
much! I dont think I can thank you enough!
Hevi : Really! What
are friends for? Letʼs go play some football!
Heru : Awesome! Letʼs
- What did Hevi buy Heru?
- What phrases of welcome?
- Who did Hevi go shopping