Sunday, January 17, 2016

Expressions of Asking for And Giving Suggestion / Advice

Dalam pergaulan kita sehari-hari, kadang kita memiliki permasalahan yang tidak bisa kita selesaikan sendiri. Untuk itu, terkadang kita harus meminta nasihat orang lain untuk menyesaikannya. 

Nah, dalam posting kali ini, kami berikan contoh ungkapan yang sering digunakan dalam meminta atau memberi saran / nasihat pada orang lain beserta contohnya dalam Bahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat..

Phrases for Asking for Advice
-Do you think I should ... ?                                     -Would you advise me to ... ?
-Should I ... ?                                                          - Could you give me some advice on ... ?
-What should I do?                                                 - I’d like your advice on ...
-What would you advise?                                       - I’d like your advice about ...
-What would you advise me to do?

Phrases for Giving Advice
-You should ...                                                          - If I were you, I wouldn’t ...
- I think you should ...                                              - I wouldn’t do that if I were you.
- If I were you, I’d ...                                                -Yes, that’s great.
- Why don’t you ...                                                   -That sounds like a great idea.
- I don’t think you should ...
  1. Ana    : Hi Chris, would you like to do something with me this weekend?
  2. Chris  : Sure. What shall we do?
  1. Ana    : I don't know. Do you have any ideas?
  2. Chris  : Why don't we see a film?
  1. Ana    : That's sounds good to me. Which film shall we see?
  2. Chris  :Let's see "Titanic".
  1. Ana    : I'd rather not. I don't like violent films. How about going to "Casper"? I hear it's quite a funny film.
  2. Ana    : OK. Let's go see that. When is it on?
  1. Chris  : It's on at 8 o'clock at the 21 Cinema. Shall we have a bite to eat before the film?
  1.  Ana    : Sure, that sounds great. What about going to that new Chinese restaurant 'Chik-Yen'?
  1. Chris  : Great idea! Let's meet there at six.
  2. Ana    : OK. I'll see you at 'Chik-Yen' at six. Bye.
  1. Chris  : Bye.

  1. * www.

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