Hi guys, here is an innovative cards game that I invented to improve my students' vocabularies. It's very attractive game to play and all of my students really love to play it even in their free time in the class. It can be played by anyone in various levels of English. Besides improving vocabularies, the purpose of playing this is getting fun, fun, fun and fun.
I have 5 sets of cards, Animals, Things, Jobs, Transports and Activities. Each of them has 60 cards, 60 vocabularies. So, after playing this game hopefully the students will be able to memorize the vocabularies without feeling bored. They will be happy to do it and never realize that they are actually learning vocabularies.
This game is not very complicated to play. The teacher needs to give the explanation and demonstration before playing it and next, students only need some practices to learn this game.
Do you want to try it in your class? Here are some samples of my cards..
If you are interested to have it, you can call or message me at :