Saturday, October 4, 2014

Contoh Text Hortatory Exposition

Apakah itu Text Hortatory Exposition ? Text ini adalah sejenis text yang disampaikan dengan tujuan untuk mempengaruhi atau mengajak pembaca / pendengar bahwa sesuatu itu harus dilakukan atau tidak.
Sebenarnya ada sedikit kemiripan antara jenis text ini dengan text Analytical Exposition. Perbedaan antara keduanya adalah pada struktur text-nya terutama pada bagian akhir. Pada Hortatory Exposition terdapat pernyataan yang berisi rekomendasi atau saran dari penulisnya. Sedangkan pada Analytical Exposition diakhiri dengan "reiteration" atau pernyataan ulang pedapat si penulis.
Berikut ini, ada dua contoh Text dalam bentuk Hortatory Exposition yang bisa anda jadikan sebagai referensi dalam belajar anda. Selamt belajar dan semoga sukses.


The majority of people claim that they do not have time for exercise. They feel too busy with school, work, or family.  However, many experts say that exercise is necessary to keep us healthy and fit.
         Being physically active offers many advantages.  Physically, exercise can help reduce body weight and make our bodies stronger.  Exercise is also believed to reduce stress levels, improve sleep, and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer.  Exercise also affects our mental state; it can make us feel refreshed and happy, increasing our quality of life and helping us to live longer.
         Many people say, “I would like to exercise but I just don’t have time for it.”  But, in reality, there are many simple ways to exercise.  Walk or ride your bike when traveling short distances.  Join a sports club or play sports regularly with your friends.  Make exercise fun so that you will want to do it regularly. 
        Instead of spending hours watching TV everyday, get outside and get active!  It will make you feel better and it will make you a healthier person.

Help the Environment

Recently, environmental awareness has become an important issue.  Car companies are making more fuel-efficient cars, factories are trying to produce less pollution, and cities are promoting litter and recycling programs.  While many big companies and countries are becoming “green,” many people believe that their actions have no effect on the environment; the truth is that anyone and everyone can help the environment.
            There are many ways that a person can help the environment.   One of the easiest ways is by using less energy.  Turn off the lights when you leave a room; walk or ride a bicycle when you are traveling short distances.  Another way to help is by keeping the environment clean.  Don’t throw your rubbish on the ground or in the rivers.  A clean community is a healthy community.
            Everyone has the responsibility to help the environment.  We only have this one planet to live on and we need to take care of it.  Do your part – be “green” for our planet, your community and yourself.

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